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Desert in Dark

My Story  - the Initiation of My Mission to Embody Radical Self- Compassion

My Self-Love Story begins with me doing everything in my power to prove myself worthy of love. Growing up in the christian religion, I was taught at an early age that I was “a sinner” and that I had to repent for my sins. As a deeply empathic being, I took on and internalized the shame of being innately "wrong" and would compensate by pleasing others while punishing myself.  


The agony of being severely separated from my pure and innocent nature created a black hole within me. I began to experience increasingly painful and confusing situations from molestation as a child, to when I became older, being secretly raped at parties. This went on for 10 years. Every time it happened, I would blame myself. I didn't know I had agency over my body, so whenever I was violated I would become paralyzed, unable to move or speak.


In my 20's I became a Professional Freeskier and traveled the world for competitions, ski- mountaineering and photo shoots. The more I achieved, the greater my insatiable hunger for external success and validation became. In my attempt to numb the pain of my past, my life became a whirlwind of dissociation and addiction to alcohol, drugs, adrenaline rush's, over-exercising, isolating, codependency, and a ruthless eating disorder.  After years of desperately upholding a performative and unrealistic image of myself, I cracked. Barely surviving a drug overdose, I remember praying to God through dramatic body convulsions...






"If I live...  I promise to do whatever it takes to authentically love myself."

My healing began with the courageous decision to humbly turn toward each and every part in me that was starving for my presence, care and compassion. In my devotional decent inward, I learned to patiently tend to every wound with gentle and kind curiosity.

I learned how to trust myself. 
Trust that I would stay with and not abandon, judge, or hate the one within me that needed me the most. As I surrendered into the authentic feelings of my heart and united with the power of my own compassion,
I started to come back home -  to myself.   

Olive Tree

Take courage,
and walk 
the gates
of your

After several years of receiving exceptional support, healing and mentorship in my fierce commitment to Self- Love, a foundation of enough self- forgiveness, self- gratitude, and self- compassion started to take root.


As the 2017 solar eclipse approached, I was intuitively guided to marry my Soul. On August 21st, as the Earth, the Sun and the Moon came into perfect alignment, I raised my hands to the sky. In that monumental moment, I united with my Soul's true name and purpose...


Compasha Mama,

Angel of Radical Compassion


This far surpassed any empowering choice I have ever made for myself. Through integrating authentic compassion into my life, I've been able to transform insurmountable shame into tremendous self-respect. By choosing to love myself exactly as I am, everyday, my life has become a living miracle.


As an Earth Angel dedicated to serve your own Soul Liberation, I declare:


No matter what your past looks like,

forgiving yourself...




We are all on a heroic journey to discover who we truly are.


The road of liberation isn’t meant to be walked alone,


so let’s do it together.


I mentor those who are ready to make an unstoppable commitment to embody radical Self-Love and fortified compassion within.


It's time to answer the sacred cry of your Soul 

and unite with YOURSELF,

as a prayer to unite the world. 


Compasha Mama

it is our



sacred responsibility



to love ourselves



the way no one else can 

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