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Writing, Prayers, & Poetry

By the all loving power of my I AM PRESENCE 


I fully reclaim & consecrate every drop of my sexual energy to be in total alignment with my deepest sovereign empowerment, greatest healing liberation & highest spiritual awakening


I sanctify & purify my sexual energy back into its original & organic innocent divine state


I align my sexual creative fire to the divine will of source in celebration of our co-creation


I command my sexual life force energy to be used only for the highest & best benefit to all beings


I claim by birthright to forgive, dissolve & disintegrate any & all black magic, viral, religious & social programming, slavery, rape, scarcity, lack, violations, harassment, molestation, manipulation, entitlement, shame, repression, co-dependency & sexual trauma from all the cells of my body, layers of my being, realms of my consciousness, dimensions of my soul, & across & throughout all my life times, to return to the invincible light of the unconditional love that I AM, NOW!


I engage only in healthy, healing, safe, empowered & aligned sexual intimacy that honors & respects myself & all others


I circulate & regenerate my sexual healing power to be of the most potent & precise

Service to ALL OF LIFE


My unlimited sexual life force overflows through me

uninhibited & fully liberated


I am pure ecstatic, electro-magnetic, orgasmic, joyful, bliss


I surrender into the purity within me


I am whole, holy & free

& complete unto me


All I see

Is our divinity


& so it is & so it be


~ Compasha Mama

Sexual Empowerment Declaration

with the 

Dear Men,

Kings, Fathers, Brothers,

Partners & Lovers…

I want to empower my relationship with you.

I want to restore trust, integrity & camaraderie between us by taking responsibility for the role I’ve played in our disconnect.

I want to apologize for the ways I projected my own unprocessed pain & trauma onto you…


I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t know how to receive your healthy masculine support

& instead

projected my own self rejection onto you, running from your genuine care


I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t take responsibility for my needs & communicate them to you

& instead

expected you to *just know* what I wanted, then… held resentment towards you when you didn’t get it perfectly right


I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t trust myself

& instead

Made you wrong for being “untrustworthy”


I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t take responsibility for my own healing

& instead

Projected my fantasies onto you, hoping you would *save me* from my suffering


I’m sorry for the ways I wasn’t honest with you & withheld my authentic feelings from you

& instead

gave you incongruent messages that I was “FINE”, when I wasn’t

“happy”… when I was hurt,

Or “great!” … when I was actually upset.


I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to receive me in my vulnerable truth

& instead

Blamed you for not *making me feel safe*


I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t accept & respect your authentic process

& instead

Projected onto you where *I wanted* you to be, trying to control, manipulate & change you


I’m sorry that I didn’t give you the opportunity to explore healing repair with me

& instead

Undermined your capacity to learn, grow & evolve with me


I’m sorry for underestimating the radical pressure that your under to *JUST GET IT RIGHT*,

the aggressive programming & relentless conditioning you grew up with,

the lack of embodied role models & healthy mentorship,

the ridicule & persecution of your healing tears,

& the intense reality of cancel culture breathing down your neck

& instead

I judged you for your lack of knowledge & capacity to *JUST DO BETTER*


I’m sorry I didn’t believe in your ability to take accountability for your actions

& instead

I belittled your competence

Trying to “protect you” from your feelings & from the reality of your impact,

While blocking you from the opportunity for an empowering emotional integration process.



I’m sorry I ever made you *wrong* for your authentic healing journey.

I don’t want to be your trauma bond buddy anymore,

I want to be your EVOLUTION ALLY

From now on,

I intend to respect you…

exactly AS you are,

exactly WHERE you are.

I will do my best to consciously communicate with you

from an honest, clean, compassionate place.

And I will always, always, always

respect your Sovereignty.

Because you do,

& always will,

deserve nothing less.


~Compasha Mama

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