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Welcome Kings,

Thank you

for your courage

to meet me here.


I treasure your presence


I honor your power



I invite you

to get curious with me ...


What *kind* of King are you choosing to be

in this radical & pivotal time on our planet?


ð’€– A reliable & steadfast leader in your community?

ð’€– A loyal & humble steward of Mother Earth?

ð’€– A respected pillar of embodied integrity? 

ð’€– A empowered masculine role model for other men to look too?

ð’€– A trusted, devotional ally to the feminine? 

ð’€– An essential way shower for future generations?

ð’€– A passionate force of impactful service?

ð’€– A sovereign, resourced King of compassionate leadership? 


 Compassion Kings is

 an online ceremonial council & earth based initiation journey

for 6 committed men

to step into 


& up to 


to fully own the gift of their presence

& confidently embody their spirit-led leadership.






Our council is a space to practice being loving towards yourself


Tender& transparent...


So you can integrate a healthy self-respect,

that includes the humility of self-kindness

& the integrity of self-accountability. 


You will be warmly held

boldly invited...

 to turn inward

with clear honest eyes,

& a brave open heart, 



Steadily tending & mending to the wounds of fear & lack within you,

so you can become a trusted masculine presence of undefended love,

 who is deeply united 

with himself.


Through 9 weeks of

courageous inquiry & compassionate intimacy 

you'll have the opportunity to practice aligning with the prayers

& honing the skills of the archetypal 

Compassion King:


empathic attunement,


devotional listening,

somatic witnessing, 

embodied discernment,

emotional liberation,

brave communication.


With our Mother Earth as our ally,

we'll utilize the spiritual technology of the medicine wheel

 by moving through the 8 directions & their correlating virtues & shadows,

in preparations for our final initiation:

a 24 hour vision quest in mama nature.


This is a journey to support you

to love, lead & serve from

the deeply rooted,

internally resourced,

unifying power of



A space for men to soften their heart 

                   & strengthen their spine

Greetings Kings!

I am Compasha Mama. I am of Ojibwe, Native American, Norwegian & Greek descent, & am currently living on the lands of the Nisenan Tribe. While it is my responsibility to acknowledge the ways I have benefitted from colonization- it is also my responsibility to carry forth the earth based spiritual practices my indigenous ancestors used to maintain peace, harmony & reciprocity with all of our relations. Although much of my culture was desecrated, I was blessed enough to be taken under the wing of a Lakota community that initiated me through 5 years of vision quests, sweat lodges, council, community healing rituals & the teachings of the medicine wheel. Through my ongoing prayer to be guided by Spirit-  I was able to receive the calling to create a ceremonial compassion council for men to heal from the sickness of separation. It is my humble prayer to assist you in reconciling your relationship with life by reuniting with the all-encompassing compassion of our Mother Earth, & receiving her reflections of your true divine nature.

It's time Kings...

to restore your internal empire of sovereign empowerment

& rise in your kingdom of compassion.

Wachantkia- my heart unites with your heart


The Compassion Kings Curriculum

6 committed Men

9 prayerful Weeks 

Wednesday's 6-8pm PST

January 24th- March 20th

Week 1: Water


Virtue: Receptivity

Shadow: Defensiveness

Emotional Reconciliation through Self-Forgiveness 

Week 2: Earth


Virtue: Humility

Shadow: Inferiority

Physical Reconciliation through Self-Compassion

Week 3: Air


Virtue: Integrity

Shadow: Di

Mental Reconciliation through Self-Gratitude

Week 4: Fire


Virtue: Responsibility

Shadow: Bla

Spiritual Reconciliation through Self-Accountability 

Week 5: Feminine

South West

Virtue: Authenticity

Shadow: Per

Reconciliation with Mother

Week 6: Masculine

North West

Virtue: Dignity

Shadow: Arro

Reconciliation with Father

Week 7: Innocence

North East

Virtue: Reliability


Reconciliation with Inner Child

Week 8: Sovereignty

South East

Virtue: Nobility

Shadow: Superiority

Reconciliation with Divinity

Week 9:

Integration Celebration


Self -Awareness without Self -Compassion is fruitless.

We need both to heal.

Compassion without Accountability is unavailing.

We need both to transform.

                                ~ Compasha Mama

The Compassion Kings Prayer


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Listen with Receptivity


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Walk with Humility


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Live with Integrity


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Lead with Responsibility


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Speak with Authenticity


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Care with Reliability


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Relate with Dignity


May heaven & earth unite within me, so I may Serve with Nobility

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My Reconciliation Letter to the Masculine:


Dear Men,

Kings, Fathers, Brothers,

Partners & Lovers…


I want to empower my relationship with you.

I want to restore trust, integrity & camaraderie between us by taking responsibility for the role I’ve played in our disconnect.


I want to apologize for the ways I projected my own unprocessed pain & trauma onto you…




I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t know how to receive your healthy masculine support

& instead

projected my own self rejection onto you, running from your genuine care




I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t take responsibility for my needs & communicate them to you

& instead

expected you to *just know* what I wanted, then… held resentment towards you when you didn’t get it perfectly right




I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t trust myself

& instead

Made you wrong for being “untrustworthy”




I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t take responsibility for my own healing

& instead

Projected my fantasies onto you, hoping you would *save me* from my suffering




I’m sorry for the ways I wasn’t honest with you & withheld my authentic feelings from you

& instead

gave you incongruent messages that I was “FINE”, when I wasn’t

“happy”… when I was hurt,

Or “great!” … when I was actually upset.




I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to receive me in my vulnerable truth

& instead

Blamed you for not *making me feel safe*




I’m sorry for the ways I didn’t accept & respect your authentic process

& instead

Projected onto you where *I wanted* you to be, trying to control, manipulate & change you




I’m sorry that I didn’t give you the opportunity to explore healing repair with me

& instead

Undermined your capacity to learn, grow & evolve with me




I’m sorry for underestimating the radical pressure that your under to *JUST GET IT RIGHT*,

the aggressive programming & relentless conditioning you grew up with,

the lack of embodied role models & healthy mentorship,

the ridicule & persecution of your healing tears,

& the intense reality of cancel culture breathing down your neck

& instead

I judged you for your lack of knowledge & capacity to *JUST DO BETTER*




I’m sorry I didn’t believe in your ability to take accountability for your actions

& instead

I belittled your competence

Trying to “protect you” from your feelings & from the reality of your impact,

While blocking you from the opportunity for an empowering emotional integration process.





I’m sorry I ever made you *wrong* for your authentic healing journey.

I don’t want to be your trauma bond buddy anymore,

I want to be your EVOLUTION ALLY


From now on,

I intend to respect you…

exactly AS you are,

exactly WHERE you are.


I will do my best to consciously communicate with you

from an honest, clean, compassionate place.


And I will always, always, always

respect your Sovereignty.


Because you do,

& always will,

deserve nothing less.


~Compasha Mama

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