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The Devotional Dragon Mystery School 

is a Self-Love Leadership School of

Sovereign Empowerment

& Devotional Embodiment

for the Fearless Earth Angles 

of the Golden Age

Dear Mighty Angels,

powerhouse way-showers,

& passionate Pioneers of the New Paradigm...

If you know your greatest Service

Comes from your deepest Self-Love

then this is your Year

to loyally love yourself

into the sustainable Success

of your divine purpose



This is a Mystery School for the wholehearted.

The devoted Souls here to make a mighty impact & leave a lasting legacy.

The passionate, prayerful ones,

ready to harness the year of the Dragon & unleash their legendary love into the world. 

I invite you to honor yourself as the daring

way-shower that you are,

at the forefront of consciousness,

carrying your torch & lighting the way for the hearts of humanity.

You deserve to be held with an

impeccable foundation of support

as you boldly birth

your soul’s visions into the world.


 The Devotional Dragon Mystery School is for

Women, Men, & Non-Binary Earth Angels

that are ready to radically deepen their foundation of self-love

so that they can serve the gifts of their Soul without

self-sacrificing, over-giving, or burning out.

This 10 month container is consecrated to TEN EARTH ANGELS who are courageously committed to their Soul Mission & are ready to show up to this journey with fierce dedication & wholehearted devotion 𓆃 

Based on the ancient art of Immaculate Conception

we will harness the brilliant power of the Summer Solstice & consciously conceive the most radical,

dragon powered embodiment of our Soul.

Aligning with a natural gestation cycle, 

the following 9 months will be devoted to

cultivating our inner sanctuary of self- love &

fortifying our empire of empowerment, while

weaving our prayers into our womb of self-creation,

in preparations for our Radical Soul Rebirth

on the 2025 Spring Equinox.









Our deeply intimate container will provide you with the attuned guidance & compassionate mentorship you’ll need to prioritize your essential self-care as a birther & trailblazer of divine consciousness. 

Consider this container a multidimensional midwife for your soul's immaculate creations. 

The immense love woven within our mystery school, will help you navigate the inevitable contractions that arise in the journey of radical expansion & brave leadership.

Leadership can feel daunting & lonely.

So rather than pushing ahead on your own, thank you for being receptive to the compassionate camaraderie & loving encouragement of fellow conscious leaders who are moving through the same challenges & vulnerabilities as you are. 

Dearest Earth Angel, 

It's your turn to bless yourself, as you so faithfully bless others

so you can serve from a deeply resourced embodiment of wise discernment & grounded grace.

Instead of over-giving in any way,

you'll be over-flowing in every way..

loving yourself so radically & sincerely,

that the light of your soul will naturally pour through you like a river... 

It’s time to embrace & unite with all parts of yourself, 

so you can lead from the undefended power & delightful confidence of your true worth.













To embrace your biggest, boldest, bravest self?

To lead from a magnetic vibration of joyful confidence?

To passionately fulfill your angelic mission

with your whole Devotional Dragon Heart?

It's time...

to embody your value,

wield your magic,

& share your wisdom

from the integrity of inner Wholeness

& the sustainability of devotional Self-Love



doing it!

THE Holy Qualities of Dragon Medicine:

𓆃 Primordial Powers 

𓆃 Ancient Wisdom 

𓆃 Direct Knowing 

𓆃 Elemental Mastery

𓆃 Multi-Dimensional Magic 

𓆃 Playful Confidence 

𓆃 Fierce Compassion 

𓆃 Accelerated Awakening

𓆃 Divine prosperity  

𓆃 Quantum Flight 

𓆃 Immaculate Birthing Power 

There are two options for enrollment.

The first option is a Sophia Circle Journey 

through the renowned spiritual text, 

The Sophia Code®.

The Sophia Code® is a master blueprint for

activating humanity's full potential

as unlimited sovereign creators. 

The Second option includes both

the Sophia Circle Journey 

& the Devotional Dragon Mystery School.  

𓆃 Option 1 𓆃:

𒀖 Sophia Circle Journey™: $429


10 Months

13 Ceremonies 

May 9th, 2024 to the Spring Equinox 2025


Each Sophia Circle is a ceremonial container unified with the Quantum empowerment & crystalline consciousness of pure source Energy & includes:
𒁍  An Invocation of The Sophia Dragon Tribe
𒁍  A Water Blessing with Quan Yin
𒁍  Group Meditation
𒁍  Reading aloud the Sophia Code®

𒁍  Journal Prompts & Journaling
𒁍 Heart Council

𒁍 Closing Prayer


Sophia Circle Journey™ Schedule & Curriculum: Thursday's 11am-1pm PST  


May 9th- Chapter 1: Introducing Sophia

May 23rd- Chapter 2: The Sophia Code

June 13th- Chapter 3: The Sophia Dragon Tribe

June 20th- Chapter 4: Introducing the Keycodes

July 18th- Chapter 5: Modern Day Mystery School

August 22nd- Chapter 6: Isis

September 19th - Chapter 7: Hathor

October 17th- Chapter 8: Green Tara 

November 21st- Chapter 9: Mother Mary

December 20th- Chapter 10: Mary Magdalene 

January 23rd- Chapter 11: Quan Yin

February 20th- Chapter 12: White Buffalo Women

March 20th- Chapter 13: The Sophia Dragons 





𓆃 Option 2 𓆃 :

𒀖 Devotional Dragon Mystery School 

Includes The Sophia Circle Journey™ + 10 month Self-Love Leadership School 

Early Bird till April 9th: $1,777

Full Price: $2,222


10 Months

13 Immersions

10 Live integration Calls

May 9th, 2024 to the Spring Equinox 2025

Together, we will journey through:

𒁍 the Sacred Codex of the Sophia Code®

𒁍 Mentorship with the Ascended Masters 

𒁍 Dragon Qi-Gong Embodiment 

𒁍 Self-Love Reclamation Rituals

𒁍 Emotional Healing Alchemy

𒁍 Sovereign Leadership Activations

𒁍 Immaculate Self- Conception on the Summer Solstice

𒁍 Radical Rebirth on the Spring Equinox


Mystery School Times:

- Thursday's 11am-4:30pm Pacific Standard time

- Sophia Circle Journey™ 11-1pm - Thursday's 11am-4:30pm 

- Lunch Break 1-2pm

- Devotional Dragon Mystery School 2-4:30pm

- Live Integration Calls: Thursday's 2-3pm

Mystery School Schedule & Curriculum:

Immersion 1: May 9th-  The Way of Invitation

Immersion 2: May 23rd-  The Way of Devotion

Immersion 3: June 13th-  The Way of Self- Initiation 

​Immersion 4: June 20th-  The Immaculate Self-Conception Ceremony 

   ✧ Live Integration Call: July 4th 2-3pm PST

​Immersion 5: July 18th- The Wood Dragon of Self- Responsibility 

   ✧ Live Integration Call: August 8th 2-3pm PST

​Immersion 6: August 22nd- The Water Dragon of Self- Forgiveness

  ✧ Live Integration Call: September 5th 2-3pm PST

Immersion 7: September 19th- The Air Dragon of Self- Gratitude

  ✧ Live Integration Call: October 3rd 2-3pm PST

​Immersion 8: October 17th- The Earth Dragon of Self- Compassion

   ✧ Live Integration Call: November 7th 2-3pm PST

Immersion 9: ​November 21st- The Fire Dragon of Self-Encouragement

   ✧ Live Integration Call: December 5th 2-3pm PST

​Immersion 10: December 20th- The Spirit Dragon of Sovereignty 

   ✧ Live Integration Call:  January 9th 2-3pm PST

Immersion 11: January 23rd- The Inner Divine Mother

   ✧ Live Integration Call: February 6th 2-3pm PST

Immersion 12: February 20th- The Inner Divine Father

   ✧ Live Integration Call: March 6th 2-3pm PST

Immersion 13: March 20th- Radical Rebirth Equinox Ceremony: ​The Inner Divine Child

   ✧ Live Integration Call: April 3rd 2-3pm PST

Payment plans available 

Enrollment Closes May 1st

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Meet Your Facilitator:

I 'm Compasha Mama, angel of radical compassion 

&  devotee of playful,

wholehearted & fully embodied,

self-love liberation!


I’m a ceremonialist & sovereign leadership mentor that specializes in embodied transformation. I help my fellow earth angles 

& spirit-Led leaders embrace the profound self-compassion necessary to transform their greatest suffering into their greatest offering, so they can serve the deepest depths of their soul’s purpose & passionately fulfill their divine mission.


I’m also a dragon priestess. I initiate & teach leaders how to embody the unlimited spiritual powers & ancient wisdom of dragon medicine to conduct individual & collective awakening, planetary alchemy, global healing, & universal liberation.


My expertise is emotional empowerment. I guide brave souls into the uncharted depths of their heart so they can harness the limitless love within them. My deeply attuned presence & empathic guidance initiates radical growth in those courageous enough to embrace the innate wisdom

transformational power of their emotions.


My trauma informed, somatic focused background consists of several certifications in healing modalities & subconscious reprogramming techniques including: The Emotion Code, Theta Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Attunement Therapy & 1 year of Somatic Embodiment Studies. I've been an initiate of The Sophia Dragon Tribe for the past 7 years

& a certified Sophia Circle Leader for the last 4.


I have facilitated hundreds of healing ceremonies helping leaders connect to their own emotional intelligence, intuitive body wisdom & Sovereign Soul Power.


It is my deepest honor to serve the exceptional sensitivities of your heart

& the extraordinary calling of your soul.

It's time,

to fiercely claim your birthright to be Big, BOLD, BRAVE & Bright

& unapologetic with your Light!

"I cannot recommend this journey enough. 


I went from being done & ready to leave this world to a renewed confidence in my choice to be here & that I CAN DO THIS!


Here are some of the benefits I've experienced...

-empowered me to claim responsibility as the creator of my reality

-healed codependency stuff

-reclaimed & embodied more of my true self

-realized & claimed my purpose

-healed religious traumas

-accelerated healing

-forgiveness, compassion, & boundaries

-radically changed relationship to myself and my self-talk

-a new badass team of friends & mentors that I call upon at any moment for support, who understand, celebrate, encourage, uplift, & help me find my way from fear to love <3


& so much more and it doesn't end!


 I am set on a path of determined commitment to myself & to my purpose,

 armed with tools of love and light.” 

~Courtney Hope

"This initiation Journey changed my life!

This might be the path beckoning you to follow it."

~ Britt Vasicek

"Compasha is a true master of ceremony.


The raw & sweet compassion-infused passion & intention that comes through in everything she does, is what always keeps me coming back for more!

She is the perfect soul to journey through the Sophia Code with.


Praying you find your way to the tribe & let your light shine!"


~ Alicia Nicole

"Wow!  Absolutely incredibly soul activating magic that was brought into my field by the divine Compasha.


Participating in her dragon activations has radically transformed my inner confidence & ability to connect with my heart to a way deeper level. As we journeyed through magical movement & connection, I felt more & more alive &  happy.


 Afterwards, I felt rejuvenated & excited to do this life thing. I felt more powerful & this has carried on with me the last few weeks.


I am so excited to journey with Compasha again in her amazing ability to guide us back to our hearts" 

~ Bella Mia

My prayer for you,

is that this adventure liberates you from the inside out.... May radiant tears of self appreciation stream from your eyes as you integrate the breathtaking beauty of your Limitless Soul. May every drop of devotion you pour towards yourself, resource you to birth a radically new, unapologetic You. as you deepen your courage to share your unique gifts with delicious confidence, May you feel rejuvenated and celebrated in our intimate container of steadfast support & compassionate camaraderie. It is my wholehearted prayer, that you enjoy the rewarding empowerment & heart bursting fulfillment of awakening to the rich delight of your souls greatest purpose.


May your rebirth truly be ecstatic... 


fascinating, thrilling & deeply life- giving.

In pure devotion & ferocious faith,​

I believe in you.

Compasha Mama

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