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of Radical Self-Love

An In-depth Feel

Compassion Coaching

Compassion Coaching is for those ready to heal their relationship with themselves through deeply embodied self-compassion. 


In this profoundly intimate container, you'll receive steadfast support in bringing your self-love to where it's needed the most. Establishing an inner sanctuary of patient, kind, and consistent self-compassion is essential for welcoming home the most wounded places of your heart. This courageous integration alchemizes


 ~ your greatest pain into your greatest strength 

 ~ your greatest wound into your greatest wisdom 

 ~ your greatest suffering into your greatest offering


Steadily choosing to cultivate an all-encompassing love for yourself, fortifies an unshakable alignment of SELF- TRUST within you. It is from this nurturing foundation of compassionate Self-love that your greatest potential blossoms and flourishes.


Compassion Coaching includes healing guidance through

~ Self- Love Ceremonies                       

~ Self- Forgiveness Rituals 

~ Self- Worth Integration 

~ Self Care Accountability  

~ Emotional Support

~ Inner Child Healing    

~ Re- Parenting Work

~ Soul Embodiment

~ Angelic Blessings and Activations 


The most precious gift you can give yourself, is to fully surrender into the divine compassion within you,

and authentically embody ALL OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

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Compassion Coaching

~ Embody Self- Love ~

Sophia Circle Journey

A life- changing13 week  Journey through The Sophia Code®. 


The Sophia Code® is a LIVING TRANSMISSION from the Holy Source of ALL LIFE, boldly and fiercely proclaiming the Invincible, Sovereign Divinity of every Soul.


These Sophia Circle Journeys ™ are divinely designed to initiate us to continually resource the innate wisdom and unconditionally loving presence within us. In our journey, we will be exploring how to live in ever-increasing alignment with our Sovereign Divinity in a resonate field of compassionate loving support. Each circle is a ceremonial space consecrated to emotional safety, crystalline clarity, and miraculous individual and collective healing. As we reveal and integrate our own unique light on Earth, Together, we will be ringing in this Ordained Age of Miracles with the bells of our Shared Sovereignty!


Each Sophia Circle Journey will include:
~ A Grand Invocation of The Beloved Ascended Masters of:

~ A Water Blessing with Quan Yin
~ Group Meditation
~ Reading aloud the Living Transmission

~ Journaling and Group Discussion/Council 
~ Closing Group Prayer of Gratitude



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Sophia Circle Journeys

~ Embody Your Sovereignty ~

Emotion Code Healing

The Emotion Code® is a very powerful and direct healing modality that liberates your heart from emotional trauma making space for abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life. 


Our emotions are our strongest motivating force in life. They are where we move from. If the emotional trauma of your past is not processed, it will remain in your body as a vibrational resonance that can keep you stuck in painful patterns of shame, failure and despair. If repressed emotions stay trapped they can create physical pain, malfunction, and eventually disease. Releasing destructive emotional burdens from your life, frees you from the weight of your past, and makes space for

who you came here to be.


Emotion Code supports with:


~ Clean, Clear and Direct Emotional Guidance  

~ Easing Physical Pain

~ Vibrant Energetic and Physical Health

~ Internal Integrity, Clarity, and Peace

~ Freedom to feel full body Joy, Gratitude, and Self-Love

~ Empowered to Give and Receive the highest and best love the universe has to offer







Learn more about The Emotion Code​

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Attunement therapy is a radically healing modality founded on the most basic human needs and ancient biological principles for emotional health and physical survival. 


In a healing session the client lays their head on the heart of the practitioner while being physically held in a field of safe, neutral, and non-sexual, unconditional love. As innately compassionate beings, we are designed to be in compassionate physical connection with each other on a regular basis. When our basic human needs are not met, we can suffer from depression, addiction, a nervous system stuck in fight or flight, and a compromised immune system, digestion, sexual function, and overall wellness. The key to the success of Attunement Therapy is the truth that our bodies need safe and trustworthy physical support to effectively process our most difficult emotions.  















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Attunement Therapy

Emotion Code Healing

~ Liberate your Heart ~

Mother and Baby

Attunement Therapy Healing 

~ Breathe and Receive ~ 


Self-Marriage Matrimony

~ Unite with your Soul ~

Celebrating Sovereignty

A Revolutionary Soul Adventure to


Fully reclaim your Sovereignty. Radically Rebirth your Soul.


Celebrating Self- Love is a passionate adventure in liberating codependency by uniting with the elemental forces of the universe. Based on the extraordinary art of Immaculate Birthing, the 9 weeks of Celebrating Sovereignty represents the 9 months a Soul gestates in the womb. Once consciously conceiving the most Immaculate embodiment of our Soul, we'll begin our adventure through the foundational pillars of Sovereign Self-Love. Each week we will have a Ceremonial Celebration to seed, nourish and celebrate the divine qualities of each pillar.


  1. Air :         Reclaim your Mind by cultivating   Self- Gratitude

  2. Fire :        Reclaim your Heart by cultivating   Self- EnCouragement 

  3. Earth :      Reclaim your Body by cultivating   Self- Compassion

  4. Water :    Reclaim your Life by cultivating       Self- Forgiveness 

  5. Spirit :      Reclaim your Soul by cultivating    Sovereignty

  6. Mother:    Reclaim your Divine Feminine 

  7. Father:     Reclaim your Divine Masculine 

  8. Child:      Reclaim your Divine Innocence 

  9. Soul Rebirth 


The first 5 weeks of our journey we'll be passionately fortifying a Radiant Internal Temple of Unshakable Self-Love. 

After 5 weeks of Radical Reclamation, we'll be prepared to receive the fullness of our Soul's Unified Power in a 

Total Soul Union Ceremony. 

The final 3 weeks, we'll prepare for our Soul's Rebirth by uniting the Inner Trinity of Divine Self-Love. 

On the 9th week, our Divine Trinity will descend into our internal Temple of Self-Love, and as we surrender into the tremendous currents of the consecrated day of our choosing, our Soul will be Reborn. 


If we want to birth a new age, we must begin with ourselves. 


<<< This is not about surface level, fluffy Self-Love... 

>>> This is about deep, raw, real, and integrated, Sovereign Self- Love.






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Devotional Dragon Mystery School
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